Reinforcement Learning for Solving Variable Order MDPs

Dates: Nov. 2022 - Feb. 2023


I chose to do this project as the final research project of the “Reinforcement Learning” course that I took during the first semester of my third year (2022-2023).

This project was among a list of interesting research ideas made by my teacher and his team, and as the teacher explicitly asked us not to share the project ideas outside the class, I will focus on the goal of the research project.

This is a research project where I am free to choose the direction I want to take.


K-order Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are a generalization of MDPs where transitions and rewards do not only depend on the current states but also on the past $k$ states and actions. Let $h_t^k = (s_{t+1}| s_{t-k},a_{t-k}, s_{t-k+1}, a_{t-k+1},…,s_t, a_t)$ be the history at $k$ steps. Then $p$ and $r$ are defined as: \(P(s_{t+1}|h_t^k) \\ R(h_t^k)\)

The idea in reinforcement learning (RL) is to find the components in the k-order history that are relevant to learn the policy.


Steps of the project: 1) Formalize the problem and model 2) Define an algorithm for learning the optimal policy and training the whole model 3) Test it on some domain (even a simple tabular environment)

The project is ongoing, so I will update this page as I make progress.